'Tis the season to be giving! Yes that time of the year has finally arrived & Black-owned nonprofits should be on your mind! With the holiday season being right around the corner, we at #BlackGirlDigital are prepping for excessive eating AND spending. It is the perfect time to donate to important causes that help empower the black community. We are looking forward to putting some of our hard-earned coins into our compiled list of Black-owned nonprofits for #GivingTuesday as should you! See below for their Instagram and website links.
National Black Women's Justice Institue | @nbjwi1
The National Black Women's Justice Institute is an organization that assists black women with criminalization and economic marginalization, not only in an effort to fight for these women, but also for gender and racial disparities as a whole.
Initiative for a Better Africa | @ifbafrica
Initiative for a Better Africa is a nonprofit organization whose beliefs are that through empowering the youth through education, we can battle poverty, illiteracy, hunger, and corruption in various African countries.
The "me too." Movement | @metoomvmt
The "me too." Movement provides resources to support the healing process of sexual violence survivors. The organization also works to offer community organized resources for black women in low-income communities to discuss sexual violence.
Black Women's Health Imperative | @blkwomenshealth
The Black Women's Health Imperative is a dedicated organization that has instituted numerous national programs that are health-related to "save and extend the lives of Black women". Their mission is to continue to implement programs and offer resources for the well-being and health of Black women all over the world.
The United Negro College Fund | @uncf
The United Negro College Fund has helped over 500,000 students attend and graduate successfully by giving financial support to 37 HBCUs.
Black in Technology | @blksintech
The Blacks in Technology Foundation's goal is to "stomp the divide" between Black tech workers by providing networking opportunities, community events, training, and education to Black workers in the field.
National Association of Black Journalists | @nabjofficial
The National Association of Black Journalists wishes to strengthen the ties between Black media professionalists and journalists worldwide by providing quality programs and services to its members.
National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc | @nc100bwinc
The National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc., advocates for gender and socio-economic equity in areas such as health, education, and economic empowerment by promoting leadership development.
Black Girls Code | @blackgirlscode
Black Girls Code is an organization that reaches out to Black girls in underrepresented communities and teaches them coding through workshops and school programs. They want to show young girls that they have what it takes to be the next Black programmers and deplete the gap of Black women in technology.
100 Black Men of Los Angeles, Inc. | @100blackmenla
The 100 Black Men of Los Angeles, Inc., is an organization whose mission is to improve the quality of life for unrepresented African American communities through building up Black men in areas of mentoring, education, economic empowerment, leadership, health, and wellness.
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